Florian, CEPLAS Graduate School student, will start his Ph.D. project in our lab on establishing a synthetic plant associated microbiome.
Unsere Arbeit wurde vom Verlag "Synthetic Biology" veröffentlicht.
A group of students from the faculty of Sciences, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM), Lima, Peru, is visiting the SynMiBi and HHU from…
Leonie will work on our circadian clock project.
3. Oktober 2024 - Mehr Informationen finden Sie hier.
Carbon Capture – Eine Lösung für den Klimawandel?
Bürgeruniversität Haus der Universität
Alina Bahn supports our team on the ValenCell project.
Susana, Eva and Florian are joining our lab for a 6 week lab rotation, as part of the CEPLAS graduate school. Their work is supervised by Dr. St. Elmo…
Cedrik joins our lab for his internship, which is part of the Mastermodule "integrative Topics in Microbiology".
Ava will join our lab from the Michigan State University for an internship and work on the race for carbon project.