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Every 2nd Thursday at 4 PM CET, we will gather as a group of cyanobacteria enthusiasts in an online Zoom meeting to learn more about the latest research around cyanobacteria by invited guests and expert from around the world. The talks will be ~30min and afterward, there will be time to get in contact with the speaker and ask questions in the Q&A session. If you are interested in presenting your research in this seminar, please let us know. Please also feel free to suggest speakers or encourage any of your PhD students or PostDocs to give a seminar talk. The idea of this seminar is to bring the community together and learn more about cyanobacteria.

Follow us on Twitter @CyanoWorld1 or @Synmibi and miss no information about upcoming seminars.

Head of Institute

Prof. Dr. Ilka Maria Axmann
Universitätsstr. 1 Building: 22.07
Floor/Room: 00.047
+49 211 81-10361

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